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dc.contributor.authorKessler, Ces_ES
dc.contributor.authorConnolly, Mes_ES
dc.contributor.authorLevy, Mes_ES
dc.contributor.authorChaulet, Pes_ES
dc.identifier.citationKessler, C,Connolly, M,Levy, M,Chaulet, P (1997) El control de la tuberculosis en refugiados y desplazados. Rev Panam Salud Publica;2(4) -,oct. 1997. Retrieved from
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRev Panam Salud Publica;2(4),oct. 1997es_ES
dc.subjectControle de Doenças Transmissíveispt_BR
dc.subjectPessoas Deslocadases_ES
dc.subjectOrganização Mundial da Saúdept_BR
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento de Programaspt_BR
dc.titleEl control de la tuberculosis en refugiados y desplazadoses_ES
dc.title.alternativeTuberculosis control in refugees and displaced personsen_US
dc.typeJournal articlesen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.description.notesAs a result of national and international conflicts, the number of refugees and displaced persons in various countries of the world is increasing. The complex and protracted nature of these conflicts often forces refugees to remain away from their countries for long periods, living in refugee camps. Many refugees come from countries where tuberculosis is endemic and, once the immediate problems of establishing a camp are overcome, this disease becomes the principal problem affecting refugee camps. In order to advise the persons in charge of refugee camps on how to set up tuberculosis control programs, this document details the general requirements and specific recommendations of WHO for the implementation of such programs, as well as guidelines for their evalutation and monitoring, including criteria that would justify camp closureen_US

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