COSALFA 50. Final report of the 50th Ordinary Meeting of the South American Commission to Fight Foot and Mouth Disease
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[Opening Ceremony] After a brief introduction, the head panel was assembled, consisting of Dr. Allan Rogerio de Alvarenga, Deputy Secretary
of the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense (SDA) of Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; Ms. Rhonda Sealey-
Thomas, Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO); Dr. Flavio
Ferreira, Secretary of Agriculture of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Sylvain Aldighieri, Director of CDE/PAHO/WHO; Dr. Christian
Zambrano, President Pro Tempore of COSALFA 49, from Agrocalidad, Ecuador; and Dr. Ottorino Cosivi, Director of
As president pro tempore of the COSALFA, Dr. Zambrano took the floor and acknowledged the progress of the countries
of the region in the fight against foot-and-mouth disease and the importance of the COSALFA as a roadmap for the
eradication of foot-and-mouth disease. He thanked PANAFTOSA/PAHO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food
Supply (MAPA) for the organization of the event.
Dr. Sealy-Thomas, representing Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO’s Director, welcomed the delegates of the public and private
sectors comprising the Commission, and all the participants, highlighting its importance in its historic 50th edition, in the
light of the successes achieved within the context of the PHEFA as well as the economic impact of eradication for food
security in the region, and the improvement in the living conditions of the populations. She also stated that the eradication
of foot-and-mouth disease remains a priority for the Organization.
Dr. Alvarenga greeted the attending authorities, emphasizing the significance of foot-and-mouth disease for social welfare
and the economy, with the prospect of new markets. He remarked that the eradication of the disease in Brazil
demonstrates the quality of veterinary services and its natural vocation for food production. Subsequently, the public and
private delegates of the 13 member countries of the COSALFA were introduced, and the work started
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