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dc.description.abstractThe Regional Immunization Action Plan (RIAP) for the Americas, based on the strategic framework Reinvigorating Immunization as a Public Health Good for Universal Health with six strategic lines of actions, represents a fundamental step to consolidate the progress achieved and offers a concrete vision to address current and future challenges to achieve the established targets for the year 2030. This plan is essential to strengthen health systems, improve access to immunization, and optimize coordination among stakeholders, ensuring that all sectors of the population have the opportunity to benefit from resilient, effective, and equitable immunization programs throughout their life course. Designed under the framework of the “‘Reinvigorating Immunization as a Public Health Good for Universal Health” strategic document and aligned with the Immunization Agenda 2030, the Regional Immunization Action Plan (RIAP) synthesizes the priorities identified by countries and territories, using indicators focused on six lines of action: governance, monitoring, integration, communication, human resources, and evidence-based decision-making. This comprehensive and inclusive approach reaffirms the commitment to achieving universal health coverage and meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Going forward, it is essential to maintain a strong commitment at all levels by adapting strategies to the changes that countries and territories are experiencing, to effectively advance their immunization efforts through the implementation of best practices and innovative approaches. We encourage all stakeholders to join in this collective effort to ensure immunization as a public good so that the population is protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO*
dc.subjectUniversal Health Coverageen_US
dc.subjectSustainable Development Goalsen_US
dc.titleRegional Immunization Action Plan for the Americas 2030en_US
dc.typeInformation kit (folder, banner, brochure)en_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.contributor.corporatenamePan American Health Organizationen_US
paho.publisher.countryUnited Statesen_US
paho.publisher.cityWashington, D.C.en_US
paho.contributor.departmentComprehensive Immunizations (CIM)en_US
paho.page28 p.en_US

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