Nursing services contributing to equity, access, quality, and sustainability in the health services: mid-term plan 2001-2003
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The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the situation of nursing services in the Region of the Americas and to propose a Plan of Action in terms of the management and delivery of services, aimed at strengthening nursing in the management of care, community nursing, and specialized care, to contribute effectively to the achievement of greater equity, quality, access, and sustainability in the health services offered to individuals, families, and communities. The main characteristics of the current nursing situation in the countries of the Region are presented first, followed by the elements of a Plan of Action.
Título traduzido
Serviços de enfermagem que contribuem para a equidade, acesso, qualidade e sustentabilidade dos serviços de saúde: plano de médio prazo 2001-2003 Los servicios de enfermería que contribuyen a la equidad, el acceso, la calidad y la sostenibilidad de los servicios de salud: plan a medio plazo 2001-2003
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