Challenges in access to health for migrants transiting the Darien region. Health service needs and gaps on the border between Colombia and Panama
2024-09-19Número do documento
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The Darien region, a vast jungle territory that straddles the border between Colombia and Panama, has historically been one of the most difficult areas in Latin America to traverse. Characterized by rugged terrain and dense vegetation, it represents a challenge for the migrant population trying to cross from South America to Central America and, eventually, to North America. The health of the migrant population in the Darien region is an issue of great importance and concern. Long travel times, lack of access to adequate medical services, and adverse environmental conditions can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems, including injuries, infectious diseases, and malnutrition. In addition, migrants face the risk of violence and exploitation throughout their journey.
The objective of this document is to analyze the relationship between migration and health in the Darien region, and to highlight the main challenges and opportunities in this context. Through a comprehensive review of recent data, inputs from the governments of Colombia and Panama, host communities, and cooperation partners involved in these issues, the intention of this publication is to provide guidance and bring attention to some of the health needs of the region’s migrant and host populations, and to propose recommendations for increasing their access to health services.
46 p.
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