Current Status on the implementation of TB-HIV collaborative activities in the Americas. Results of a survey in the countries of the Region. 2012
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[Introduction]. Since the publication of the TB/HIV collaborative activities in 2004 by WHO, PAHO has adapted them and worked jointly with the countries in order to accelerate the implementation of these activities. Each year, in a regional meeting with the managers of the HIV and TB programs from countries with the highest co-infection burden, the situation is evaluated and priority activities for the next year are identified and planned. The last TB/HIV meeting was held in Panama in July of 2011, aimed at determining the progress made in terms of the implementation of TB/HIV collaborative activities in the Americas. In such occasion, the participants completed a survey to document the current situation and the difficulties encountered during the implementation of the program that later was extended to the rest of the countries in the region. In this document, we summarize the principal findings of this survey, along with conclusions and specific recommendations.
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