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dc.description.abstractIn recent years, PAHO has been engaging with different stakeholders, including HTLV‑1 specialists, health managers and people living with HTLV-1 to define priorities and to delineate effective strategies to tackle this neglected infection. One of the priorities identified by stakeholders is the prevention of HTLV-1 mother-to-child transmission. However, to be able to prevent vertical transmission, pregnant women living with HTLV-1 must be aware of their status. The coverage of HTLV-1 screening of blood donors is high in the region, but antenatal screening is still limited. Countries still face barriers to implement diagnostic tests for HTLV. There are no international guidelines for HTLV-1 diagnostics and national guidance may vary between countries. In this context, PAHO promoted a workshop to discuss the diagnosis of HTLV-1 infection, particularly in the context of maternal and child health. Increased interest on HTLV-1 antenatal screening has been observed in the region and countries such as Chile, Brazil, Saint Lucia and Colombia shared their experience during the workshop. Good practices included the program to prevent HTLV-1 mother-to-child transmission, that is integrated with the EMTCT Plus initiative in Saint Lucia, strong collaboration between civil society, HTLV-1 experts and policy-makers in Brazil, initiatives to increase awareness about HTLV-1, and the construction of HTLV clinical guidelines by different countries in the Region. Priorities identified include increasing awareness about HTLV, developing guidelines and support training of health-care workers, strengthening the collaboration between countries, and promoting the inclusion of HTLV into elimination programs.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO*
dc.subjectHuman T-lymphotropic virus 1en_US
dc.subjectMaternal and Child Healthen_US
dc.subjectInfectious Disease Transmission, Verticalen_US
dc.subjectNeglected Diseasesen_US
dc.titleThe diagnosis of human T lymphotropic virus (HTLV) and strategies to expand HTLV screening in the context of maternal and child health. Meeting Report (virtual), 7 July 2023en_US
dc.typeMeeting reportsen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.contributor.corporatenamePan American Health Organizationen_US
paho.publisher.countryUnited Statesen_US
paho.publisher.cityWashington, D.C.en_US
paho.contributor.departmentCommunicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health (CDE)en_US
paho.page22 p.en_US

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