Resolutions of the 78th Session of the Executive Committee (CE78)
1977Número do documento
CE78.R1, CE78.R2, CE78.R3, CE78.R4, CE78.R5, CE78.R6, CE78.R7, CE78.R8, CE78.R9, CE78.R10, CE78.R11, CE78.R12, CE78.R13, CE78.R14, CE78.R15, CE78.R16, CE78.R17, CE78.R18, CE78.R19, CE78.R20, CE78.R21, CE78.R22, CE78.R23, CE78.R24
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CE78.R1: dates of the XXV meeting of the DC, XXIX meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas | CE78.R2: provisional agenda of the XXV meeting of the DC, XXIX meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas | CE78.R3: collection of quota contributions | CE78.R4: financial report of the Director and report of the External Auditor for fiscal year 1976 | CE78.R5: proposed program and budget estimates of the PAHO for 1978 | CE78.R6: provisional draft of the program and budget of the PAHO for 1979 | CE78.R7: resolutions of the 30th World Health Assembly and of the XVIth session of the Executive Board of interest to the EC | CE78.R8: amendments to the staff rules of the PASB | CE78.R9: salary of the Director | CE78.R10: salaries of the Deputy Director and the Assistant Director | CE78.R11: topic of the technical discussions, 1978 | CE78.R12: X Inter-American meeting, at the ministerial level, on Foot-and-Mouth disease and zoonoses control | CE78.R13: priorities for the WHO Director-General's development program, 1978-1979 | CE78.R14: allocation of funds from voluntary contributions for special programs | CE78.R15: International Year of the Child, 1979 | CE78.R16: reduction of length of meetings of the Directing Council | CE78.R17: mechanism for the establishment of official relations between PAHO and nongovernmental organizations | CE78.R18: proposed PAHO policy for dengue, yellow fever, and Aedes aegypti | CE78.R19: representation of the EC at the XXV meeting of the DC, XXIX meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas | CE78.R20: Pan American Center of Human Ecology and Health | CE78.R21: technical cooperation among developing countries | CE78.R22: expanded program on immunization | CE78.R23: PAHO award for administration, 1977 | CE78.R24: malaria program in the Americas.
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