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dc.identifier.govdocCE70.R1,CE70.R2, CE70.R3, CE70.R4, CE70.R5, CE70.R6, CE70.R7, CE70.R8, CE70.R9, CE70.R10, CE70.R11, CE70.R12, CE70.R13, CE70.R14, CE70.R15, CE70.R16, CE70.R17, CE70.R18, CE70.R19, CE70.R20, CE70.R21, CE70.R22, CE70.R23, CE70.R24
dc.description.tableofcontentsCE70.R1: dates of the meeting of the DC, XXV meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas | CE70.R2: resignation of the External Auditor | CE70.R3: report on the collection of quotas | CE70.R4: proposed agenda for the XXII meeting of the DC, XXV meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas | CE70.R5: financial report of the Director and report of the External Auditor for 1972 | CE70.R6: Inter-American meeting, at the ministerial level, on Foot-and-Mouth disease and zoonoses control | CE70.R7: report on the III Special Meeting of Ministers of Health and steps necessary to implement the decisions | CE70.R8: report on missing health personnel in Panama | CE70.R9: development of educational institutions |  CE70.R10: proposed program and budget estimates of the PAHO for 1974 | CE70.R11: proposed program and budget estimates of the WHO for the region of the Americas for 1975 | CE70.R12: provisional draft of the proposed program and budget estimates of the PAHO for 1975 | CE70.R13: percentage relationship of contributions to the regular budget | CE70.R14: representation of the EC at the XXII meeting of the DC, XXV meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas | CE70.R15: PAHO award for administration | CE70.R16: financing of the regular budget of the PAHO | CE70.R17: Aedes aegypti eradication program | CE70.R18: regional assistance for the rehabilitation on the public health system of Nicaragua | CE70.R19: buildings and installations, Haiti | CE70.R20: buildings and installations, Brazil | CE70.R21: form of presentation of the program budget | CE70.R22: program of mental health, alcoholism, and drug abuse | CE70.R23: amendments to the staff rules of the PASB | CE70.R24: amendments to the financial regulations.en_US
dc.subjectPAHO Executive Committeeen_US
dc.subjectHealth Organizationsen_US
dc.subjectLatin Americaen_US
dc.subjectPAHO Directing Councilen_US
dc.subjectPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.titleResolutions of the 70th Session of the Executive Committee (CE70)en_US
dc.typeGoverning Bodies documentsen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.contributor.corporatenamePan American Health Organizationen_US
paho.publisher.countryUnited Statesen_US
paho.publisher.cityWashington, D.C.en_US

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