Immunization Newsletter, v.45, n.2, Jun. 2023
2023Número do documento
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IN THIS EDITION: Regaining High Vaccination Coverage in Brazil and throughout the Americas | Vaccination Week in the Americas 2023: “Get up-to-date. #EachVaccineCounts” | Broadening Access to Accurate and Consistent Information on Vaccine Safety in the Americas: Vaccine Safety Net Expansion | Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to COVID-19 Vaccines among Health Personnel in Latin America | Prices for Vaccines Purchased through the PAHO Revolving Fund, 2023.
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Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé; Family, Health Promotion and Life Course (FPL) (OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2017)
Pan American Health Organization; Family, Health Promotion and Life Course (FPL) (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2013)
Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé; Family, Health Promotion and Life Course (FPL) (Organisation panaméricaine de la SantéUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2014)