Youth and Tobacco in the Region of the Amercias. Results from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2010-2017)
2018Número do documento
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The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is a global standard for systematically monitoring youth tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators. It is part of the Global Tobacco Survey Surveillance System, the largest global public health surveillance system ever developed and maintained. The purpose of GYTS is to enhance countries’ capacity to monitor youth tobacco use, guide national tobacco prevention and control programs, and facilitate comparison of tobacco-related data at the national, regional, and global levels... This brochure presents the results for a set of 22 indicators obtained through the GYTS and includes all relevant topics covered by the survey. It provides information from the most recent survey carried out during the period from 2010 to 2017 in 29 countries in the Region of the Americas This brochure is a tool for data dissemination to the different sectors involved in tobacco control in the Region, and likewise, to help countries in designing, planning and evaluating effective interventions to control tobacco consumption as well as exposure to tobacco products among youth.
Categoria do Plano Estratégico 2014-2019 da OPAS
Pan American Health Organization. Youth and Tobacco in the Region of the Amercias. Results from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2010-2017). Washington, D.C.: PAHO; 2018.
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