COPAIA 6. PAHO Regional Plan of Action for Technical Cooperation in Food Safety: Regional strategy for food safety and prevention of foodborne diseases for the Americas (2013-2017)
2012Número do documento
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[Context] Foodborne Diseases (FBD) represent a public health problem of increasing importance in the region, both in developed and developing countries. In the Americas, data analysis reported to the Event Management System of the International Health Regulations shows that, from 2002 to the first quarter of 2012, of 969 reported events, 161 were either zoonotic or FBD, accounting for 16,1%, with a trend to increase in the past few years. To February 29, 2012, an accumulated total of 47 events of foodborne confirmed origin had been registered. However, incomplete records regarding FBD cases constitute a major disadvantage when analysing and interpreting data, even in developed countries.
1. CONTEXT | 1.1 Importance of food safety and of foodborne diseases in the Americas | 1.2 Mandates of PAHO/WHO in food safety and prevention of foodborne diseases | 1.3 Justification for updating the regional strategy in food safety and prevention of foodborne diseases | 2. OBJECTIVE | 3. COMPONENTS IN THE REGIONAL FOOD SAFETY STRATEGY | 3.1 Advocate and support the development of sustainable, integrated, risk-based food safety systems | 3.1.1 Development of risk-based regulatory and institutional frameworks | 3.1.2 Development of mitigation strategies to prevent, control and contain risks at the national, regional, and international levels | 3.1.3 Support capacity building for the detection, assessment and management food safety incidents and emergencies | 3.2 Provide evidence-based scientific options for risk analysis, policy development and decision-making to protect health and manage food safety risks | 3.2.1 Support data and information generation and access for policy development and risk analysis | 3.2.2 Strengthening of food inspection systems for the development of policies and decision making aimed at the protection of health and food safety risk management | 3.3 Risk communication and management, in cooperation with other sectors and partners | 3.3.1 Ensure risk communication and the promotion of health in order to support the prevention of Foodborne diseases | 4. STRATEGY
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