Epidemiological Updates
Submissões recentes
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2024)As of 31 January 2024, the date of the last DELR SITREP publication, a total of 79,411 suspected cholera cases have been reported, of which 4,608 were confirmed by the National Laboratory of Public Health (LNSP), including ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 18 December 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 76,675 suspected cases and 4,383 confirmed cases in all 10 departments of the country, which represent a 1% ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as of 5 August 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 58,230 suspected cases and 3,696 confirmed cases in all 10 departments of the country. PAHO/WHO continues to ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 15 May 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 42,351 suspected cases and 2,678 confirmed cases in all 10 departments of the country, which represent a 1.72% ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 7 April 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 38,086 suspected cases and 2,592confirmed cases in all 10 departments of the country, which represent a 1.72% ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 17 March 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 36,544 suspected cases and 2,519 confirmed cases in all 10 departments of the country, which represent a 2.41 % ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 28 February 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 33,661 suspected cases and 2,439 confirmed cases in all 10 departments of the country, which represent a 2.61 ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 16 February 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 31,485 suspected cholera cases in all 10 departments of the country. Of these, 2,318 cases have been confirmed ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as 5 February 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) have reported 28,901 suspected cholera cases in all 10 departments of the country. Of these, 2,107 cases have been confirmed ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)El 23 de diciembre de 2022, el Centro Nacional de Enlace para el RSI de Canadá informó la detección de poliovirus derivado de la vacuna de tipo 2 (VDPV2) en dos muestras de aguas residuales recolectadas en agosto de 2022 ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as of 16 of January 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) reports 24,451 suspected cholera cases in all 10 departments of the country. Of these, 1,870 cases have been confirmed ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2023)In Haiti, as of 2 of January 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) reports 22,563 suspected cholera cases in all 10 departments of the country. Of these, 1,561 cases have been confirmed ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)En las últimas semanas se ha registrado el aumento de nuevos casos ambulatorios, hospitalizaciones y defunciones en 12 países/territorios de la Región de las Américas, que, junto con el aumento de hospitalizaciones por ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)In Haiti, as of 20 December 2022, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) reports 18,469 suspected cholera cases in all 10 departments of the country since the first cases were reported on 2 ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)Hasta la semana epidemiológica 49 de 2022, las autoridades de agricultura de Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, los Estados Unidos de América, México, Perú y República Bolivariana de Venezuela han detectado brotes en aves ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)In Haiti, confirmed cholera cases are reported in new areas of the capital and in additional departments. As of 14 December 2022, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) confirmed 1,291 cases of ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de Salud Animal (OMSA), la temporada epidémica de la Influenza aviar de alta patogenicidad (IAAP) continúa con brotes en aves de corral y brotes notificados en aves distintas de las ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)Desde la notificación de los dos primeros casos confirmados de Vibrio cholerae O1 en el área del gran Puerto Príncipe el 2 de octubre de 2022, al 27 de noviembre de 2022, el Ministerio de Salud de Haití (Ministère de la ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)Desde la notificación de los dos primeros casos confirmados de Vibrio cholerae O1 en el área del gran Puerto Príncipe el 2 de octubre de 2022, al 6 de noviembre de 2022, el Ministerio de Salud de Haití (Ministère de la ...
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2022)In Haiti, confirmed cholera cases are reported in new areas of the capital and in additional departments in the country. As of 21 November 2022, the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR) confirmed ...