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dc.identifier.citationPan American Health Organization. Report on the situation of Malaria in the Americas, 2014. Washington, D.C. : PAHO; 2016.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn 1954, the countries in the Americas made the trail- blazing decision to adopt malaria eradication as a program with the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as the coordinating unit. It was a year later when the Global Program for Malaria Eradication was created and became the coordinating unit for malaria in the world. Throughout its more than a century-long effort in reducing malaria transmission, the disease has remained at the forefront of Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) member states’ concerns. In September 2016, health ministers from across the Region of the Americas adopted a new plan for malaria elimination over the next four years, urging countries to intensify the fight against the disease [...] The aim of this document is to provide an overview of the current malaria situation. PAHO’s Regional Malaria Program of the Neglected, Tropical and Vector Borne Diseases Unit of the Communicable Diseases and Health Analysis Department (CHA/VT) has produced this report with officially-reported information provided by the Member states between 2000 and 2014. The report includes a general overview of the current malaria situation at the regional, sub-regional, and country levels for those that are endemic to malaria. It documents the achievements since 2000 as well as the challenges that remain.en_US
dc.subjectDisease Eradicationen_US
dc.subjectVector Controlen_US
dc.subjectInsecticide Resistanceen_US
dc.subjectPublic Health Policyen_US
dc.titleReport on the situation of Malaria in the Americas, 2014en_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.contributor.corporatenamePan American Health Organizationen_US
paho.publisher.countryUnited Statesen_US
paho.publisher.cityWashington, D.C.en_US
paho.subjectCat 1. Communicable Diseasesen_US

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