The health of young people: A callenge and a promise
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In most societies, the health of young people is not seen as a cause for concern, since they are generally less vulnerable to disease than children or the very old. They do, however, suffer from a range of health problems, often associated with particular patterns of behaviour, such as substance abuse, sexual behaviour, ans risk-taking. In addition, the patterns of behaviour they adopt may well last a lifetime, affecting their future health and that of their children. At the same time, young people often have the enery and creativity to take responsibility for their health and lives, but whether they actually do so is likely to depend largely on the behaviour and attitudes of others. All societies are face with the chalenge to respond to the needs of young people, to help them to make wise choices for the future and to achieve self-esteem through constructive action This book is intended to help meet this challenge. Besides giving an overview of the current health situation of young people, it discusses the strengths and weaknesses of traditional responses to their needs, and suggests ways in which they can be improved. It is meant as a guide, reference book and stimulus to action for all those responsible for the welfare of young people, including the young themselves, to help them fulfil their promise for the future
Medicina del Adolescente; Conducta del Adolescente; Prioridades en Salud; Cooperación Internacional; Condiciones Sociales; Conducta del Adolescente; Promoción de la Salud; Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias; Medicina del Adolescente; Grupos Vulnerables; Asunción de Riesgos; Estado de Salud; Estrategias Mundiales
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