- 1.PAHO Headquarters / Sede de la OPS
- Governing Bodies / Cuerpos Directivos
- Executive Committee
- 150th Executive Committee (18 to 22 June 2012)
- Official Documents/Documentos Oficiales CE150/2012
Official Documents/Documentos Oficiales CE150/2012
Most recent
(PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C, 2012)[Overview] The 2011 year has been very challenging for public health in the Region of the Americas. During 2011, the Organization faced enormous challenges, including the tsunami alerts along the Pacific Coast due to the ...
(OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C, 2012)[Perspectiva general] El año 2011 ha sido muy difícil para la salud pública en la Región de las Américas. Durante el 2011, la Organización hizo frente a enormes dificultades, entre otras las alertas de maremoto a lo largo ...