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dc.contributor.authorPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.description.abstractThis report is divided into two sections: Part I summarizes the presentations and discussions from the plenary session, while Part II summarizes the conclusions and discussions of the working groups. It includes the list of participants. This meeting was convened by the Interagency Coordinating Committee of the World Summit for Children, comprising PAHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, IDB, USAID, FAO and the World Banken_US
dc.description.abstractMeeting to Access the Status of the National Plans of Action for Attainment of the Goals of the World Summit for Children. Pan American Health Organization; Abr. 22-25. 1992en_US
dc.description.abstract. UNICEFes_ES
dc.description.abstract. UNFPAes_ES
dc.description.abstract. IDBes_ES
dc.description.abstract. USAIDes_ES
dc.description.abstract. World Bankes_ES
dc.subjectBienestar del Niñoes_ES
dc.subjectServicios de Salud del Niñoes_ES
dc.subjectEvaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Saludes_ES
dc.subjectPlanes Nacionales de Desarrolloes_ES
dc.subjectEstrategias Regionaleses_ES
dc.subjectFormulación de Políticases_ES
dc.subjectRevisión de Utilización de Recursoses_ES
dc.subjectCooperación Internacionales_ES
dc.subjectEstudios de Seguimientoes_ES
dc.subjectAmérica Latinaes_ES
dc.subjectRegión del Caribees_ES
dc.titleMeeting to Access the Status of the National Plans of Action for Attainment of the Goals of the World Summit for Children: Final reporten_US
dc.typeJournal articlesen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US
dc.contributor.corporatenamePan American Health Organizationen_US

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