Coordinated Research Project on Use of Irradiation as a Public Health Intervention Measure to Control Foodborne Disease In Latin America and the Caribbean: final report
The objective of this CRP is to assist institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean to investigate the efficacy of using irradiation as a public health intervention measure to control Vibrio infection through consumption of raw or semi-cooked seafood and cysticercosis/taeniasis through pork consumption Coordinated Research Project on Use of Irradiation as a Public Health Intervention Measure to Control Foodborne Disease in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1. Organización Panamericana de la Salud; Sept. 14-16, 1994 . International Atomic Energy Agency . FAO
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Autor desconhecido (1995)A five-year coordinated research project (CRP) is currently under way in the Americas on the application of irradiation to prevent foodborne diseases. It is being cosponsored by the Pan American Health Organization/World ...
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