Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2018-2022
Estrategia y plan de acción para fortalecer el control del tabaco en la Región de las Américas 2018-2022
Stratégie et plan d'action visant à renforcer la lutte antitabac dans la Région des Amériques 2018-2022
Estratégia e plano de ação para fortalecer o controle do tabagismo na Região das Américas 2018-2022
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Categoría del Plan Estratégico 2014-2019 de la OPS
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Crosbie, Eric; Tran, Brian; Albuquerque de Figueiredo, Beatriz; Severini, Luciana; Severini, Gianella; Sebrié, Ernesto M. (2024)[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To document tobacco industry strategies to influence regulation of new and emerging tobacco and nicotine products (NETNPs) in Latin America and the Caribbean. Methods. We analyzed industry websites, ...
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Alonso, Fernanda; Welding, Kevin; Cohen, Joanna E. (2022)[ABSTRACT]. Objectives. To provide detailed information about how countries in the Region of the Americas are fulfilling the requirements set out in the guidelines for the implementation of Article 11 of the WHO Framework ...