The past, present, and future of immunization in the Americas
El pasado, el presente y el futuro de la inmunización en las Américas
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The Pan American Journal of Public Health recognizes with appreciation the contributions of the members of the Editorial Committee, and authors of the Overview article. Their contributions and dedication to this issue on immunization in the Region of the Americas were extraordinary and helped make the manuscripts more interesting, more accurate, and more useful to our readers and all others who work to improve the health of the peoples of the Americas. The Journal would like to give special thanks to the General Coordination of the National Immunization Program, Department of Transmissible Disease Surveillance, Health Surveillance Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Brazil, whose financial and programmatic contributions were essential to the publication of this special issue.
Categoria do Plano Estratégico 2014-2019 da OPAS
Andrus JK, Bandyopadhyay AS, Danovaro-Holliday MC, Dietz V, Domingues C, Figueroa JP et al. The past, present, and future of immunization in the Americas. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2017;41:e121. doi: 10.26633/RPSP.2017.121.
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