Health Conditions in the Americas, 1973-1976
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[Preface]. Health Conditions in the Americas, 1973-1976 is the seventh in a series on the subject prepared for successive Pan American Sanitary Conferences. It is based on data submitted by the Governments of the Americas and would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of the Ministers of Health, and the continued dedication and effort of thousands of individuals who collect and tabulate data in the countries of the Region. In compiling, analyzing, and publishing the data received from the countries, the Organization is fulfilling the charge contained in the Pan American Sanitary Code, and which calls for “the stimulation of the mutual interchange of information which may be of value in improving the public health and combatting the diseases of man.” In the past the tabular data have proven useful, not only to the Ministries of Health of the Region in evaluating their own activities and to the Governing Bodies of the Organization in deciding priorities for future activities of technical cooperation, but also to many students, scholars, and researchers interested in the health of the people of the Americas. The midpoint of the Ten-Year Health Plan for the Americas falls within the period covered in this publication. It seemed particularly appropriate, therefore, to focus the analysis, where possible, on the progress achieved in attaining the goals set forth in the Plan. Likewise, attention is drawn to those areas where increased effort will be required by the countries if these goals are to be met. The IV Special Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Americas (Washington, D .C ., 1977) was held for the purpose of analyzing the situation in regard to the processes for extending health services coverage and of adjusting the policy and strategy for the Region. In discussing their policies and programs, most of the countries were unable to quantify in precise terms the magnitude of the problem they face in meeting the needs of the population unserved or underserved by health services. Therefore renewed efforts should be made to improve civil registration and the coverage, quality, and timeliness of the vital statistical data, particularly for rural areas. This is especially crucial given the number of sectors that are involved in improving the quality of life of the rural and urban disadvantaged populations. Moreover, simple methods for collecting data on health services must be devised and tested, as must new indicators that will permit monitoring progress toward meeting the goal of health services for all by the year 2000. As always, the Organization stands ready to collaborate with Member Governments in developing new technologies and in disseminating the results of the experiences gained, for the benefit of all the countries of the Region.
Título traduzido
Las condiciones de salud en las Américas, 1973-1976
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