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dc.contributor.authorSaenz, German Fes_ES
dc.contributor.authorAltafulla, Marciaqes_ES
dc.contributor.authorSancho, Guillermoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorSalgado, Miriames_ES
dc.description.abstractThe prevalences of abnormal hemoglobins and thalassemias depend largely upon the hereditary racial composition and geographic origins of the affected populations. In Central America and Panama, where the racial and immigration patterns are highly varied, prevalences vary greatly from one country to another and even from one population group to another within a given country. Since literature on this problem is scanty, the review presented draws heavily upon fairly extensive information obtained from Costa Rican studies. Nevertheless, it has been supplemented with whatever data it has been possible to find on Panama and other Central American countries. The sickle cell gene for hemoglobin S (Hb S) has not been found among the racially indigenous groups studied in Costa Rica and Panama. However noteworthy prevalences of Hb S have been reported among Blacks and other population groups in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama, with the heterozygous Hb S marker reaching a level of 30 per cent of one survey population in the latter country. In addition, the presence of the hemoglobin C marker has been reported in Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama; and the sickling syndromes- including heterozygous Hb SC, Hb S combined with Hb Korle-Bu, homozygous Hb S with alpha thalassemia, heterozygous Hb S with alpha (B+) thalassemia and Hb S with beta thalassemia (both B+ and Bo)- have beenen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBoletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana (OSP);105(2),ago. 1988es_ES
dc.subjectHemoglobinas Anormaises_ES
dc.subjectHemoglobina Ces_ES
dc.subjectAmérica Centrales_ES
dc.subjectHemoglobina Falciformees_ES
dc.subjectCosta Ricaes_ES
dc.titleHemoglobinas anormales y talasemias en Costa Rica, otros paises de Centroamerica y Panamaes_ES
dc.title.alternativeAbnormal hemoglobins and thalassemias in Costa Rica, other countries of Central America, and Panamaen_US
dc.typeJournal articlesen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US

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