La salud y el desarrollo industrial de América Latina
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Latin America's efforts to achieve industrial progress have led to the implantation of techniques that are far advanced for a sociocultural environment that is still undergoing development, and to the organization of improvised industrial and labor clases. The result has been a high rate of work accidents and occupational diseases and a consequent heavy financial burden which hinders economic development. Although safety measures and techniques are well known in Latin America and are used successfully by a few enterprises, the knowldge is not sufficiently widespread, nor is sufficient specialized personnel available for implementing these measures. It is suggested that support be given to the schools of public health in the Hemisphere, as well as to the Institute of Occupational Health and Air Pollution of Chile, for the training of specialists in this field, and that all loan agreements or grants in which international development agencies participate should include a clause requiring that programs for the prevention of occupational hazards be established. It is recommended that the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) include this subject on the agenda of the Regional Conference that is being planned for 1966, in order to encourage economists and occupational health specialists to work together in this endeavor, for the benefit of all Latin America
Título traducido
Health and industrial development in Latin America
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