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dc.contributor.authorKevany, John Pes_ES
dc.description.abstractMalnutrition today represents one of the most serious problems of public health in Latin America. Its effect is felt most severely by the preschool age group, which represents a rapidly enlarging segment of the population. General development factors contributing to preschool malnutrition are the low social priority of this group within the family, illiteracy and lack of educational facilities in large sections of the population, and inadequate health services. Specific ecological factors include poor maternal nutrition, the replacement of breast feeding by artificial feeding, ignorance of correct weaning techniques, and the presence of a highly contaminated environment. Mortality from nutritional disease has its peak in the preschool years; however, the true magnitude of the problem is often masked by incomplete reporting systems. The mortality from common infectious diseases of childhood often follows a definite pattern in relation to weaning; measles and diarrheal disease are cited as examples. Nutrition and its problems represent a broad range of different disciplines and interests in the developing areas of the Hemisphere. Any action taken to combat the present situation must therefore be multifaceted and well coordinated. Inprovement of population nutrition may well provide the common goal that would coordinate development activities in many different fielden_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBoletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana (OSP);60(4),abril 1966es_ES
dc.subjectTranstornos da Nutrição do Lactentept_BR
dc.subjectTranstornos da Nutrição do Lactentept_BR
dc.subjectBem-Estar da Criançaes_ES
dc.subjectServiços de Saúde da Criançapt_BR
dc.subjectAmérica Latinaes_ES
dc.titleProblemas de nutrición del niño preescolar en América Latinaes_ES
dc.title.alternativeNutrition problems of the preschool child in Latin Americaen_US
dc.typeJournal articlesen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US

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