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dc.contributor.authorCallin, Arthur Ees_ES
dc.description.abstractInvestments in venereal disease control have had a multibillion dollar beneficial economic impact in the United States of America. The benefits discussed are mainly the savings from costs eliminated by preventing mental disability and premature deaths due to syphilis. There are other types of disabilities and other types of economic losses which have been prevented but for which data are not availableen_US
dc.description.abstractIn addition to the economic benefits discussed, it should be mentioned that human beings saved from the ravages of venereal disease will be able to live happy productive lives instead of being disabled by, or dying from, venereal disease. Thus, the human values of venereal disease control are beyond the realm of cost estimates, but they should not be overlooked when evaluating the benefits of venereal disease control programses_ES
dc.description.abstractCurrent estimates indicate there is still a large number of persons who might potentially develop disability or premature death from syphilis. These persons must be found and brought to treatment. If not, the economic losses to the nation in terms of hospital care and revenue loss may well total in the billions of dollars for these persons. This liability should not be allowed to occur. Resources should be allocated to the fight against venereal disease so that, as in the past, the economic impact to the nation will not represent a loss (AU)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBoletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana (OSP);70(1),ene. 1971es_ES
dc.subjectDoenças Sexualmente Transmissíveispt_BR
dc.subjectEconomia da Saúdept_BR
dc.titleLas repercusiones económicas de las enfermedades venéreases_ES
dc.title.alternativeEconomic impact of venereal diseaseses_ES
dc.typeJournal articlesen_US
dc.rights.holderPan American Health Organizationen_US

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